• Mon - Fri - 7:30 am - 5pm / Sat- 7:30 am - Noon/ Sun - Closed


We know you love your vehicle, we do too.

Your vehicle is more than just a means of transportation; it’s an expression of your passion. You want to enhance its appeal and ensure it provides you with all the accessories and parts you need.

Whether you own an truck  for adventurous camping trips, an SUV or jeep for thrilling off-road escapades, or a trailer for transporting your boat to the lake, equipping it with the right accessories is crucial to optimize its performance.

Here at Powell’s, we share your deep affection for your vehicles. That’s why we offer a wide range of top-quality parts and equipment sourced from renowned brands. We take the time to understand your desires and requirements, allowing us to recommend the ideal products that align with your vision.

We stand for quality, safety & credibility, so you could be trust us fully about architectural working process.

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Powell Equipment Heavy Justus PA Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Northeast Pennsylvania NEPA Contactors Snow and Ice Removal municipalities

Our benefits

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum.

Sed rhoncus facilisis purus, at accumsan purus sagittis vitae. Nullam acelit at eros imperdiet pulvinar velut nisl. Pellentesque sit placerat neque amet sapien semper tempus.
Sed rhoncus facilisis purus, at accumsan purus sagittis vitae. Nullam acelit at eros imperdiet pulvinar velut nisl. Pellentesque sit placerat neque amet sapien semper tempus.
Sed rhoncus facilisis purus, at accumsan purus sagittis vitae. Nullam acelit at eros imperdiet pulvinar velut nisl. Pellentesque sit placerat neque amet sapien semper tempus.